Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Where To Go Wednesday

What's it like to put a country gal in a big city? One way to find out! I would love to see New York City some day! I definitly feel I would totally be okay with just going once...and not for too long...too many people! But I definitly want to see all the sites someday!

Time Square

Shea Stadium

Statue of Liberty

I MUST see a Broadway Show sometime in my lifetime!

Ground Zero

Central Park

Time Square

How can you go to NYC and not see the Radio City Rockettes?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Must Have Monday: 1st Barbie Edition

I started collecting Barbies, oh...about 9th grade or so (so that makes it about 13 years...yikes!) I had kind of put collecting them and keeping up to date on what's out there for dolls for a while being they were in storage from moving here and there...but once Barney & I moved into our new home, there was room for me to have a whole room just for them. Once I started pulling them out of the totes...I was instantly hooked again! I have re-activated my Barbie Collector Membership and am recieving catalogs again! Yea! A few of the first dolls I had were from the Classic Ballet Series. I have all but 1 of those dolls (Barbie as Juliet) but here are some other ballet dolls that I am fascinated by! So pretty! There are ALOT of dolls on my wish list, so I will have more than one edition of this!

Prima Ballerina Barbie

Elina Barbie

Barbie as Juliet

Classic Grace Barbie

Litghter Than Air Barbie

Swan Lake Barbie