Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Crafts

Here are some of the crafts I have made this fall. Fall decorations are something that I was lacking in my decoration inventory for the house so I thought I needed to do something about it. I had a REALLY crafty brain one week and found all kinds of project ideas and then got the supplies and WHALA....this is what we got!

This is not the best picture, but here is the wreath I made with hand-made fabric flowers. I want to make a wreath of some type for all the different seasons and this is the first on my list! And I've got all kinds of ideas for other seasons floating in my head now too!

This cute little pumpkin I picked up at the craft store in the clearance section. Part of it was kind of broken so I got all the flowers and decorations to help cover up the broken parts. It turned out pretty cute and was also super simple to make! I'm thinking after the season is over and pumpkins like this are on clearance I'm gonna pick up a few more to decorate for next year!

When I saw this project idea I thought that it was super cute and SIMPLE! I figured I could whip it together lickity split. NOTE TO THE NEXT PERSON WANTING TO TRY THIS: Stick with larger eyes if you can! I didn't get too many of the larger sized eyes and all those little ones took alot of time and patience!

I LOVE making fabric flowers! They were perfect for the wreath and as I was making them I was thinking of all kinds other ways to use them: headbands, necklaces, clips for purses, pins for coats, other decorations, gift wrapping, and the list goes on and on. I am now on the hunt for scrap material of any color and pattern! Slightly time consuming when I first started, but so much fun, especially when you see the end product!

This idea just came out of no where kinda. All these leaves were used as table decorations at my cousins wedding in September and I noticed how colorful and STURDY they were. When they started cleaning the tables that night, they were just going to throw them away, so I made sure to collect as many as I could. It took me a few weeks to decide what exactly I was going to do with the leaves. I finally decided I wanted to make the cross, just didn't know how I wanted it to look. So I just told Barney to make me a cross some how and that is what I got! I love it though! Now where to put it...

This was another fun one! Wood letters, scrap book paper, decoupage and embellishments: Super easy and Super cute! This one too gave me a bunch of ideas for different holidays!!

And that is what I've been making this fall! I'm looking forward to making decorations for seasons to come now too! Decorations mean so much more if there is a story or an experience behind them!

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